Here is an interesting comment from Mark Kennedy, or the Corsham Crusader, as this vile low life degenerate is known. Mark Kennedy is man who crawled out of the shallow end of the Aryan gene pool, a genetic freak who resembles the Gollum. He is a vile, perverted, evil little man with a big mouth that desperatly needs filling in.As you can see this man is vile.
He also advocates the death of another man, and he sees himself as a reasonable man, Ha! He is just a scared man who doesn't know what to do because he is just a coward.
Here is Morris final pathetic whine ;If this man goes by your house, please hide your children, Valuables, and other items, as he will most likely mug you.
" So then, what is the current situation with regards to the British Resistance? Well I would just like to lock the door, walk away and go look at the mountains by day and the stars by night but I know I cannot do that, it would be letting down our writers, readers and nationalism. "
Yeah we would all like that Morris, especially if you jumped off that fucking cliff you fat moron.
Instead it appears that you intend to keep your pathetic site for braindead Griffinite rodents as a way for you to appear somehow relevant to nationalism.
Morris you are about as relevant to British Nationalism as the teachings of Mao.
Go away, you sad little man.
He just called over 1 Million voters thugs for supporting Nick,
What have we benn telling you Mo.He wants us to apologise, but for what? He should be the one saying sorry for all the trouble he caused.
Are you all gonna apologise now ?
You people who stay in the BNP under Griffin are total mugs.
It appears that a few of you are waking up and walking away.
Its about blooody time.